COVID-19 Event and Meeting Restrictions for Australia

Wondering about the most recent changes to COVID-19 regulations for Australia and what this means for you and your next event?

With the situation improving dramatically across the country, we are starting to see more and more people organise events. However, with restrictions constantly evolving, it’s difficult to know what you can and can’t do. To make it easier, we’ve done all the hard work and compiled a series of updates to the rules around holding corporate and social events for each state as of the 1st November 2020. Check it out below!

New South Wales - Score 7/10

a)      A maximum of 30 people per booking or table

b)      For corporate events, you can now have up to 300 people providing they are seated and comply to the one customer per 4 square metre rule

c) Weddings can now host up to 300 people seated from 1st December 2020

Check out the Top Sydney Venues here

Queensland - Score 7/10

a)       Bars, pubs & restaurants can operate providing they abide by the 4 square metre rule indoors and 2 square metre rule outdoors

d)      Nightclubs can operate, given that they have a COVID Approved Plan

Check out the Top Brisbane Venues here

Western Australia - Score 8/10

a)       All events permitted except for large scale, multi-stage music festivals

b)      Gathering limits now only determined by WA's reduced 2 square metre rule

Check out the Top Perth Venues here

Northern Territory - Score 9/10

a)       Social distancing of 1.5m in place for all event venues and business meetings

b)      Events with less than 100 people do not need to have registration

c)       Events with 100 - 500 people need full COVID-19 compliance registration

Check out the Top Darwin Venues here

South Australia - Score 9/10

a)       There are no hard limits on venue capacities, however, the density requirement of 1 person per 2 square metres applies for all defined public activities

b)      Contact tracing to remain for all businesses with public activities

Check out the Top Adelaide Venues here

Tasmania - Score 9/10

a)       There can be 250 people for an undivided space in an indoor premises; and 1,000 people in an undivided space outdoors with the 1 per 2 square metres rule in place

b) Seated restrictions remain in place for dancing in all venues where food and alcohol is consumed

Check out the Top Hobart Venues here

ACT - Score 7/10

a)       For events with more than 25 people attending,  the 4 square metre rule applies indoors and the 2 square metres applies outdoors, to a maximum of 200 people. 

b) If there are more than 200 people attending an event the organisers must seek an exemption and have an approved COVID safe plan in place. 

Check out the Top ACT Venues here

Victoria - Score 2/10

Despite Victoria being hit especially hard by this pandemic, the state has seen significant improvements in the past few weeks.

  1. Cafes and restaurants are open, with limits of people - 20 indoors (10 per indoor space) and 50 outdoors.
  2. You can have an outdoor wedding with up to 10 people.

Check out the Top Melbourne Venues here

So what’s the verdict?

Overall, all states are good to move ahead with their event plans with Victoria the exception.  With the weather warming up and the end of the year insight, we think now is the perfect time to start planning your next event! Future bookings exceeding the maximum number of current restrictions in the different locations can be taken, providing the organiser complies with the rules in force at the time of the event. So whether it’s a Christmas Party, Birthday, Wedding or Workshop, if you want to see some of Australia’s best venues in your city, check out With over 8,000 spaces to choose from, you’ll no doubt find the perfect venue for your upcoming meeting or event!


Disclaimer: With the situation evolving, we highly recommend you confirm with your Local and State governments regarding the latest restrictions and requirements for hosting events. 

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